Создавай атлетичное тело, не прерывая успех в карьере
и личную жизнь.
Создавай атлетичное тело, не прерывая успех в карьере и личную жизнь.
Создавай атлетичное тело, не прерывая успех в карьере и личную жизнь.
Создавай атлетичное тело, не прерывая успех в карьере и личную жизнь.
Ты будешь знать, что делать, делать это и видеть крутой рост. Моя ответственность в том, чтобы инструменты были реальны, обоснованы и подстраивались индивидуально под тебя.
О нашей совместной работе
My goal is to rid you of useless tools and myths that take up your energy and time. To direct your efforts to the place where you get the maximum profit for a small price.
For whom?
Our collaboration will be productive if you see yourself in one or more of these descriptions:
  • For balance
    You're moving up the career ladder, growing in expertise, growing your business and want to maintain a work-health balance.
  • Take in the flow
    You want to make strength training and healthy nutrition a part of your identity and continue to achieve success in your career and personal life.
  • For frequent relocations.
    You often change your location or move, but you want to continue working with the same trainer, consistently working towards your goals and maintaining your strategy.
  • Safety
    You want to be safe, receiving science based recommendations.
  • "Put Your Own Oxygen Mask On First"
    Despite global catastrophes, you want to focus on your health and well-being.
  • Find your way!
    You're ready to move mountains, but you can't see your way and are eager to find it.
  • You need tools
    You value facts and the scientific method.
  • Pareto Principle
    You understand that quality results are achieved only through precise actions.
For whom?
Our collaboration will be productive if you see yourself in one or more of these descriptions:
  • For balance
    You're moving up the career ladder, growing in expertise, growing your business and want to maintain a work-health balance.
  • Take in the flow
    You want to make strength training and healthy nutrition a part of your identity and continue to achieve success in your career and personal life.
  • For frequent relocations.
    You often change your location or move, but you want to continue working with the same trainer, consistently working towards your goals and maintaining your strategy.
  • Safety
    You want to be safe, receiving science based recommendations.
  • "Put Your Own Oxygen Mask On First"
    Despite global catastrophes, you want to focus on your health and well-being.
  • Find your way!
    You're ready to move mountains, but you can't see your way and are eager to find it.
  • You need tools
    You value facts and the scientific method.
  • Pareto Principle
    You understand that quality results are achieved only through precise actions.
Client testimonials are better than any landing page
  • "We've been working with Ilia since July 2022. We started at 83 kg, and now we're at 77, steadily moving towards 75. The definition is impressive, and the muscles are showing! And the best part is, it's all without drama, stress, or giving up on anything! That's what experience and a scientific foundation mean!

    Ilia, you're an excellent trainer! I'm absolutely certain that starting our collaboration was one of the best decisions of last year!"

  • It's amazing because I practically live on delicious food. How can one even lose weight, I don't understand?

    So all these years, I could have just counted calories, eaten protein-rich foods (turns out it's quite easy to get them with the right approach), and enjoyed life!

    You can eat everything you want on a global scale. Ilia, you've opened up a new world for me. Without a sense of guilt and food-related depression.
  • My most effective remote work experience: online training with TerentevFIT.

    I'm a complicated client. I've tried everything and read about everything. I know what's right. I already have a solid foundation - that is, I work out five times a week, do yoga, dance, and follow a mostly conscious diet. I've tried several programs with coaches, and I never achieved the desired results anywhere: circumstances got in the way, methods didn't work, and it all came down to 'you're already doing fine.'

    And then, six months ago, vc.ru introduced me to Ilia. He quickly organized all the pieces of the puzzle and taught me not to panic. He provided a plan for what to do in case of an apocalypse, a transatlantic flight, or a week with relatives who cook heavenly meals.

    If you're like me - a veteran who occasionally strays from the routine (jet-setting around the world and can't resist a hot croissant), come to Ilya, and he'll fit that croissant into your plan where it belongs.

    If you're a beginner, your results will be even better!

  • My Best Investment!

    In August of last year, I stumbled upon an article by TerentevFIT titled 'Fat Burning and Fat Loss - Are They the Same Thing? What Matters More?'

    Finally, someone clearly explained the connection between workouts, weight, muscles, fat, and nutrition. I read the article eagerly and immediately contacted the author, expressing my interest in consulting with him (and I highly recommend this approach in general: if you see a smart person, buy their consultation). When I found out that he had set himself an incredibly ambitious goal to compete in the Olympics, I knew it was a 100% match. I highly value those who can think on such a grand scale.

    For several weeks, Ilya taught me how to accurately count calories. A set of kitchen scales for 300 rubles became my best friend. To comfortably lose weight, you need to maintain a small calorie deficit. If you miss the target by 10-20%, calorie counting becomes meaningless.

    Due to my schedule, it was always difficult for me to fit in regular workouts with a trainer. Ilya created a training plan for me, and I worked out on my own at a convenient time, sending him videos of my exercises. He provided feedback in the chat with arrows and voice instructions, telling me what needed correction. For me, this turned out to be the perfect format.

    As a result, I effortlessly shed about 10 kilograms, formed new eating habits, and consistently exercise. I'm also inspired by Ilya's example as he prepares for the Olympics. And it costs less than a personal trainer at the gym.

    Personally, working with Ilia has been the best investment of the year for me.

About me
Henselmans PT Certification;
15 years in track and field;
Medalist at Russian Championships;
Medalist at the World Championships in Oregon 2014;
10 years under the guidance of an Olympic champion and record holder;
Author of articles on fitness;
Fitness coach for 6 years;
Experienced in working with teenagers and teaching highly complex technical movements (hammer throwing).
Henselmans PT
Nizamutdinov prizes 2022
Oregon 2014 bronze medalist
Nizamutdinov prizes 2022
Improving hammer throwing technique
Russian Championship 2021
Training + Nutrition
This is a service where we'll be working on body recomposition. That means you'll be shedding fat and building muscle at the same time.

We'll craft a user-friendly nutrition plan for weight loss or maintenance that can be applied in any situation. You'll have a set of straightforward and easy-to-follow criteria that can be implemented wherever you are, and sticking to them will ensure you see results.

Concurrently, we'll be hitting the gym for strength training. The intensity and frequency of the workouts depend on your capabilities and will be customized as we go along in our partnership.
Sign up!
Training only
Training support is for you if you don't plan to adjust your diet or if you're not ready to do that yet, but you're ready to start working out. If you have goals related to strength development, muscle growth, or body recomposition.

With me, you'll have an optimized training program tailored to your goals and lifestyle, guidance on exercise technique, and load progression.
Sign in!
Training + Nutrition
This is a service where we'll be working on body recomposition. That means you'll be shedding fat and building muscle at the same time.

We'll craft a user-friendly nutrition plan for weight loss or maintenance that can be applied in any situation. You'll have a set of straightforward and easy-to-follow criteria that can be implemented wherever you are, and sticking to them will ensure you see results.

Concurrently, we'll be hitting the gym for strength training. The intensity and frequency of the workouts depend on your capabilities and will be customized as we go along in our partnership.
Training only
Training support is for you if you don't plan to adjust your diet or if you're not ready to do that yet, but you're ready to start working out. If you have goals related to strength development, muscle growth, or body recomposition.

With me, you'll have an optimized training program tailored to your goals and lifestyle, guidance on exercise technique, and load progression.
Are you motivated to work and eager for change?
Then text to me.